Can we change our forum names?


Is it a problem?After reading the post about what our forum names mean,I want to change mine.Can someone tell me how,please.If its allowed.
You mean "furry." The more you post the faster you earn a new that may or may not be better. I assure you, very few of us even look at the small added name. I will admit I like fluffernut so much I nicknamed Jack just fits.
No, I think she means that she wants to change her actual name to be something other than her own name. If that's the case, PM Ron. He's the one who can make that change. It isn't something you can do as a regular user.
Ah, the All Powerful One should be consulted!
The all-powerful one in his divine and borderline mystical ways has changed her name.
Not Worthy
Thank You All Powerful One.I am indeed in your debt.
I can always look forward to smiling and laughing when I come and visit the site for a while.... Very Happy
Uhm, Jill, did you mean to change YOUR name???


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